Following a shooting at a rally in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump’s supporters have portrayed him as a so-called “threat to the US deep state”. But in reality, Trump was a warmonger as president, and appointed top CIA officials and neoconservatives to run his foreign policy.
In the following video and podcast, Ben Norton reviews Trump’s support for Israel and Ukraine and his aggressive policies against China, Russia, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba.
Timecode of the topics discussed
0:00 (Clips) Trump on Syria, Venezuela, Ukraine
0:32 US politics & bipartisan war crimes
3:29 Alleged assassination attempt against Trump
7:13 Trump’s warmongering foreign policy: a summary
11:35 Israel – Palestine
16:56 Trump proposed bombing Russia & China
17:27 Russiagate
18:01 Trump tore up 2 arms treaties with Russia
18:55 Ukraine
20:33 (Clip) Trump boasts of arming Ukraine
20:56 Trump vs Obama on Ukraine weapons
23:02 NATO
24:24 “We’re at war with China”
26:24 Trade war & new cold war on China
28:44 Democrats vs Republicans on Russia & China
29:48 Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA)
30:44 Assassination of Qasem Soleimani
31:20 Trump’s war on Iraq
32:48 US hypocrisy on “political violence”
34:31 Syria
35:00 (Clip) Trump brags of taking Syria’s oil
35:27 Afghanistan war & minerals
37:06 Trump wanted to take oil from Libya & Iraq too
38:15 Yemen
39:24 Trump plans to attack Mexico
41:06 Bolivia coup
41:54 Elon Musk & Bolivia’s lithium
43:24 Venezuela
44:06 (Clip) Trump on “taking over” Venezuela
44:18 Venezuela coup attempt
46:00 Nicaragua coup attempt
46:37 Elliott Abrams
47:53 Cuba blockade & sanctions
50:09 Tax cuts for the rich
51:54 Billionaires for fellow billionaire Trump
53:16 Outro

Eric Arthur Blair
2024-07-15 at 22:00
Ben has yet again itemised irrefutable facts proving that Trump was and is a criminal mass murderer, thief, liar and grifter.
Unfortunately the attempted assassination of Trump appears to now make him a shoo-in for next POTUS.
How will that improve the situation for the average Gazan being genocided? How will that improve cost of living, jobs, healthcare, housing, infrastructure, education etc for the average American? How will that help reduce mass shooting events in the USA*?
The Trump drama was pure theatre, a sideshow, a distraction.
Only the election of Dr Jill Stein will lead to substantial outcomes. She is our only hope for non-violent reform, yet her election is almost impossible to conceive because average Americans are only moved by theatre, they lack substance.
*tighter security will be arranged for Trump, but there will be ZERO gun policy reform – children will continue to be slaughtered in school shootings.
The problem is not that there was inadequate security for Trump. The problem is that the USA is failing as a Nation in all aspects of fundamental decency and sanity.
Also: it is pointless to target the ventriloquist’s dummy.
The ventriloquist, the puppet master, has to be targeted.
Who are Trump’s (and Biden’s) puppet masters? Pro-Zionist private bankers and the MIC.
Only when the last private banker is strangled by the entrails of the last Raytheon executive will humanity finally be free.
2024-07-17 at 19:08
We sense that Ben was trying to awaken the younger crowd of Americans. It’s probably too late to knock any sense into older folks; the aging boomers, etc.
Whoever wins the upcoming election, it won’t matter. Anyone picked will adhere to the Super Wealthy who own ALL US politicians, and for that matter, All of the London/EU politicians.
However, the Super Wealthy, particularly in the US, are quite concerned about the growing trade/currency transactions between Russia/China & possibly India. They are trying mightily to distance themselves from the Biggest Predator of them All: The US Dollar System. That includes the IMF, The World Bank, the Central Banks in the EU/London and most especially The FED. The less use of the Dollar’s worldwide system, the LESS that money will return to the US Treasury. It’s beginning to falter, but Big Financiers, Big Western Banks will fight like hell to ensure it doesn’t fall abruptly. We’ll see.
elizabeth keenan
2024-10-29 at 19:38
The mainstream American economist Mohamed El-Erian, a former deputy director of the US-dominated International Monetary Fund (IMF), has warned that de-dollarization is indeed happening.
This is the goal of BRICS and BRICS+ countries represent about two-thirds of the world’s population. According to the IMF, the bloc collectively accounted for 32.1 percent of global gross domestic product in 2023, up from 16.9 percent in 1995 and more than the G7’s share of 29.9 percent.
The share of US Treasury securities held by foreign investors peaked in 2015, at around 34%, and has steadily fallen in the past decade to 23-24% in 2024.
Meanwhile, US federal debt as percentage of GDP is at over 120%, and keeps ballooning, with annual deficits at more than 6% of GDP.
Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris would only continue this trend.
(from an article in Geopolitical Economy) If you have any information about BRICS before Oct. 2024, then it is outdated as they have added more countries and solidified their goal.
2024-07-18 at 09:29
The stage-managed spectacle and melodrama of US Elections Inc. continues. It offers zero meaningful choice and insults the intelligence, but it does generate 100s of millions for BigMedia/BigTech; advertising, marketing firms, consultancies, the DNC/RNC and individual candidates. And it provides a giant emotional distraction from the hardcore issues, which are rarely, or never discussed. The MassMediaCartel control the discourse, and control who can appear on so-called debates.
I must say that Democracy Inc. in the USA is the most lucrative and effective PR stunt in the world: it creates the illusion of democracy, generates big money – and the plebs pay for it, the oligarchy profits. Sadly, this demonstrates that most US dwellers are victims of Collective Stockholm Syndrome.
And the Freak Show continues…
2024-07-18 at 10:36
Thanks Ben Norton for outlining the hard facts. Too many otherwise intelligent people believe the DT is different, because they WANT to believe the lies and BS. There is no democratic choice, so people are desperate, they want to pretend everything is fine and just one more “election” and things will get better. This view contradicts the facts and is based purely on emotion.
As I have been pointing out for years, the “deep state” the “intelligence community”, Big Media, the oligarchy, the DNC all LOVE the DT and it’s glaringly obvious. He gets 100s of millions of free publicity, and has done for years. He polarizes the plebs, gets them to tilt at windmills, he is perfect to further the illusion of choice, distract the public, and get the plebs to fight among themselves while the oligarchy pillage the place.
On the purportedly progressive show, Democracy Now, they are doing the old bait-and-switch routine they and the rest of the “liberal” media do every 4 years: they decry abuses and crimes of the D/R Bipartisan Consensus, and then tell us we must “vote” blue no matter who, because we have to “stop Trump”. If we don’t “vote” for Genocide Joe or some other genocidal crook, we are voting for the DT. They just broke the hypocrisy meter. Hypocrisy Now supports the D/R status quo and says “Vote Genocide”. How “progressive” of them.
And even worse than the maggot crowd: so-called progressives like AOC and Sen. Sanders are now telling us that we must “vote” for Genocide Joe, and overlook his atrocities and dementia. The intelligence-insulting BS, and rank hypocrisy are off the charts: our response should be unambiguous: “Fuck Off!”
Eric Arthur Blair
2024-07-25 at 01:00
Hint: the Butler didn’t do it, although it took place in Butler.
A motivated lone gunman intent on making his mark in history would have left a detailed manifesto. Instead, all personal trace of Thomas Crooks has mysteriously vanished from the Internet.
ACT 1: somewhere in the BELTWAY SWAMP, June 29, 2024, a day after the Biden-Trump debate: a disaster for brain-dead Biden
Droolin’ Nuland: Hell and Damnation. Will no one rid us of this turbulent Trump?
Jerkoff Sullivan: We successfully installed near brain-dead Biden and prevented Trump’s election in 2020 and we can do it again in 2024. We have six ways from Sunday to do it.
Stinkin’ Blinken: But now that Biden is completely brain-dead, he is completely unelectable, I don’t see how we can prop that cadaver up against Trump today. Back in 2020 when Biden was less gaga, we succeeded in sabotaging Trump’s re-election. We blamed the DNC email leaks on Russian hacking, so-called Russiagate, and painted Trump as Putin’s puppet. All total lies of course, but if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes accepted truth. I was especially proud how we convinced our FBI to sit on Hunter’s laptop for more than a year and refuse to confirm that it truly belonged to that cokehead c*nt Hunter.
Jerkoff Sullivan: Yeh. Revealing the dirt on cokehead’s laptop about how we were funnelling billions from Ukraine to the Biden crime family and into our coffers, would have lost Biden the 2020 election. We even got 51 senior ex-Intelligence officers to declare that the stuff on the laptop was Russian disinformation, even though it was 100% genuine. We have the best officials that money can buy. Even now, the public remain confused. Most think the laptop is fake and Russiagate is true, the exact opposite of reality, thanks to our mainstream media cronies and exTwitter accomplices and Facepoop stooges who followed every disinformation instruction of the CIA and FBI.
Lloyd Raytheon: I gotta say, Trump winning this November won’t be a huge deal to me. He complied well with our MIC agenda last time he was in office. He pursued carpet bombing genocide in Yemen via Saudi proxies, continued the war in Afghanistan and occupation in Syria and assassinated Soleimani by drone, which could even have triggered WW3. All helped keep money flowing to our MIC and pad my own personal bank account, so I ain’t got no grievance against Trump.
Droolin’ Nuland: Listen boy, you are a nothingburger at warmongering compared to me. I was the one who masterminded the overthrow of Yanukovich in 2014 using my boy bitches Linseed Graham, Johnboy McCain and Geoffrey Peeshat in Maidan. I paved the way for money to flow to us like a deluge from Ukraine via fossil fuel scams, agri scams and land acquisition scams as well as crypto scams like FTX. Trump’s previous weapons expenditures to kill Yemenis and Afghans were peanuts compared to the hundreds of billions we laundered through the Ukraine war that we provoked, disguised as “defending the freedom of a sovereign state”. If Trump is re-elected he threatens to derail the Ukie gravy train that we so carefully constructed.
Stinkin’ Blinken: Worse than that, those of us who have been getting kickbacks from our project Ukraine could face prosecution and even go to jail if Trump gets re-elected and opens an investigation.
Smellin’ Yellen: My friends in Blackrock bought up vast swathes of Ukie land for peanuts. If Trump sues for peace and accepts Russian demands, those Blackrock investments will evaporate.
Lloyd Raytheon: More than half a million Ukies have died so far, achieving peace could prevent another half million from dying.
Droolin’ Nuland: Fuck the Ukies. We must prevent Trump from being re-elected in November at all costs. What’s the story so far?
Stinkin’ Blinken: We resurrected old lawsuits of sexual misconduct and rape allegations but that did not work. We tried other lawfare including prosecution for false real estate pricing and even got multimillion dollar judgements declared against Trump, but that seems likely to fall apart on appeal. So it looks like we will be back to square one again.
Jerkoff Sullivan: Well we still have six ways from Sunday to get rid of Trump, including termination with extreme prejudice.
Stinkin’ Blinken: Ratatat.
Droolin’ Nuland: [cackles insanely… while drooling profusely]
ACT 2: somewhere in the BELTWAY SWAMP, July 12, 2024, the day before the Trump assassination attempt
Stinkin’ Blinken: How are the preps for the perp?
Jerkoff Sullivan: Going well. As a security advisor, I know how to create focal failures and weak spots in a security framework through which we can insert our stooge to do our bidding. We will ensure all security teams do NOT secure the most obvious kill platform, only 130 yards away from the target, so close that even an inexpert shooter can easily make a kill, no scope needed. Our stooge has had intensive training, we had to ensure he could reliably achieve tight groupings, before zeroing his rifle to suit that 130 yard range. We will put incompetent security managers in charge on the day and ensure the local police, state troopers and the close security team cannot communicate properly with each other and are unfamiliar with each other’s staff so they will not be able to identify friend from foe. We have our own agents working from within to sow confusion that the shooter could be part of another security team. If the crowd spot the kid and call him out as a sniper, we have people who will ensure that Trump keeps talking at the podium, rather than use common sense and herd Trump off immediately. We will also ensure that our counter snipers train their scopes on our stooge in advance, so they can blow the kid’s head off immediately after has he has fired some shots off, but definitely not before. Cannot allow him to live and provide his own testimony.
Stinkin’ Blinken: And this kid cannot be traced back to us?
Jerkoff Sullivan: We had to avoid anybody with Dem party sympathies to throw people off the scent. We found this alienated kid with lifelong conservative GOP sympathies who had even posed for some Blackrock advertising. We manipulated him with our usual carrot and stick methods and drug enhanced psyops to convince him that he is being recruited as a covert CIA agent, just like Lee Harvey Oswald, and that he will be killing the next Hitler. We messaged him for meetings and training sessions using encrypted phones. We showed him the layout of the location and explained that he needed a ladder to get up there and wear padded clothing to cope with the heat of the hot tin roof. A random dumbass 20 year old would never be able to pull this off on his own. Random security lapses, no matter how incompetent, would never allow all the relevant factors to come together at this particular time and place. Even the most dumbass security novice knows that a rooftop 130 yards away along the line of sight needs to be secured, so we will actively prevent that. The shooter must have prior training and it is essential to create specific, targeted holes in the security framework, which we have instructed him where, when and how to breach.
Stinkin’ Blinken: But no suspicion can ever lead back to us?
Jerkoff Sullivan: He donated 15 bucks to a progressive group years ago, but that is nothing. We have wiped all his social media presence off the Internet. If anybody tries to point a finger at us using “cui bono?”, we will smear them as crazy conspiracy theorists. That tactic worked a treat after the Warren commission.
Stinkin’ Blinken: Sounds pretty slick.
Jerkoff Sullivan: I was so orgasmically impressed by my own genius plans, I creamed my pants.
Stinkin’ Blinken: Gotta thank Blackrock that we found that kid, a perfect dumbass patsy. You know, a Vulture Capital insider trader could make a stockmarket killing by shorting Trump related shares just before Trump karks it. Just thinking about all that money makes me drool.
Droolin’ Nuland: [cackles insanely… while drooling profusely]
ACT 3: somewhere in the BELTWAY SWAMP, July 14, 2024, the day after the Trump assassination attempt
Droolin’ Nuland: Hell and Damnation. Will no one rid us of this turbulent Trump? The failed kill attempt now makes Trump’s re-election a virtual certainty. What went wrong in your planning?
Jerkoff Sullivan: Nothing. The planning was perfect, things went as well as they possibly could, we got off an accurate kill shot. Trump was only saved by the random movement of his head at the last second.
Droolin’ Nuland: Well shit. What do we do now?
Stinkin’ Blinken: Brain-dead Biden has less than zero chance of winning an election against Trump now. We need to find another candidate, a desert cactus or a laughing hyena would stand a better chance.
Droolin’ Nuland: I know which laughing hyena you are referring to. In the meantime it is still several months till November, so we still have more opportunities to snuff out the orange guy.
Jerkoff Sullivan: Six ways from Sunday.
Stinkin’ Blinken: Ratatat.
Droolin’ Nuland: [cackles insanely… while drooling profusely]
The above is not written as support for Trump, it is meant to expose the Demoncrat Neoconartists as they truly are: devious psychopathic weasels who will do anything to eliminate Trump as a political threat. Documented facts prove the Demoncrats colluded with the FBI and CIA and media companies to sabotage Trump’s re-election and favour Biden’s election in 2020.
Trump winning office in November 2024 will do nothing to stop genocide in Palestine or benefit ordinary Americans who face collapsing living standards. Trump is merely a fascist pig of a different breed who remains a loyal war mongering servant of the Deep State, albeit serving the anti-China rather than anti-Russia faction. He is hated and feared by the incumbent Demoncrat/Neoconartist Russophobes who have been gorging like pigs at the trough of the Ukie corruption scam. Those crooks risk jail if investigated and they want Trump gone.
Eric Arthur Blair
2024-07-27 at 12:31
One more thing: do not forget that Droolin’ Nuland publicly promised Trump a “nasty surprise” just before the kill attempt
2024-08-04 at 09:55
Thank you Ben, that was an awesome summary!
I learned a lot from the assassination attempt on Trump, namely that their security is just a big show and how easy it is to get their puppets in government positions or the fraudsters at Wall Street. I am just surprised that it doesn´t happen more often, since their population is armed to the teeth.
They are not used to being attacked on their soil, as the Chinese weather balloon has clearly shown, they think that they can intimidate anyone with terroristic or mafia-style methods or bluffs, amplified by oligarchy TV.