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West’s Ukraine summit failed: Global South rejected pro-war ‘peace conference’

Countries representing the vast majority of the world population rejected the West’s pro-war Ukraine “peace summit” in Switzerland, to which Russia was not invited. Only a few small nations in the Global South endorsed the Bürgenstock conference declaration.

West Ukraine summit Switzerland failed Global South

The Western powers held a conference in Switzerland in June in an attempt to gain more international support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.

The vast majority of the world population, in the Global South, rebuked this so-called “Summit on Peace in Ukraine”, to which Russia was not invited.

Only 78 countries, mostly in Europe, endorsed the meeting’s final declaration. Together, these nations represented a small minority of the global population.

At least 160 countries were invited to the conference from June 15 to 16 in Bürgenstock, Switzerland. Just around 90 ended up attending, and most sent low-level officials.

A total of 78 countries signed the “Bürgenstock Declaration”. Major nations chose not to endorse the statement, including Brazil, India, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates.

CNBC lamented that the summit “lacks clout”, and was boycotted by China, in protest of the fact that Russia was not invited.

Switzerland’s state media outlet Swissinfo conceded that the “Ukraine peace summit failed to meet ‘fairytale’ expectations”, and that the joint communiqué “was rejected by several key countries”.

One of the reasons that so many Global South nations opposed the Bürgenstock Declaration was because it blamed the war solely on Russia, not acknowledging the role of NATO expansion in fueling the conflict, and not recognizing Moscow’s legitimate security concerns.

In racist rant, Zelensky claims China and Brazil are not “civilized”

Ukraine’s NATO-backed leader Volodymyr Zelensky angrily responded to the Global South’s criticism with racist rhetoric, asserting that China and Brazil are not “civilized” like the West.

“As soon as Brazil and China join the principles that all of us here, civilized countries, have united, we will be happy to hear their opinions, sometimes even if they do not coincide with the majority of the world”, Zelensky said at the summit, according to an official Ukrainian media translation.

Zelensky’s claim that “the majority of the world” is with his government is objectively false. The vote at the conference demonstrated that only a small minority of countries support Ukraine’s NATO-backed war efforts.

China makes numerous peace proposals; West rejects them

China has made numerous peace proposals in an attempt to end the war in Ukraine.

In February 2023, Beijing introduced a 12-point peace plan to try to foster a political settlement. The US and its European allies rejected this initiative.

In May 2024, China and Brazil issued a joint proposal for negotiations, calling for an “international peace conference held at a proper time that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation of all parties as well as fair discussion of all peace plans”.

While the West rebuked these offers, the Bürgenstock Declaration ironically ended up borrowing several points from China’s proposals, albeit by watering them down and removing the demands for a cessation of hostilities and peace talks.

Although Beijing boycotted the June 2024 Swiss conference in protest of Russia’s absence, it continued to promote its own peace plan.

As the Bürgenstock summit concluded, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, Geng Shuang, reiterated at the UN Security Council, “China calls on the parties to the conflict to demonstrate political will, come together, and start peace talks as soon as possible to achieve a ceasefire and halt military actions”.

Colombia’s President Petro says Ukraine summit seeks more war, not peace

Colombia’s left-wing President Gustavo Petro criticized the Swiss summit, writing on the day the event began that “it is not a free forum to discuss paths to peace between Russia and Ukraine. Its conclusions are already predetermined”.

Petro insisted that “dialogue between Russia and Ukraine is fundamental”. He also called for “the establishment of a security zone without nuclear weapons that physically separates NATO from Russia”.

The Colombian president revealed that he had been invited to the meeting, but chose not to attend, because “what we have found in the conference is basically an alignment with the side of war, and we do not agree with that; Latin America does not want more war, what it wants is the construction of peace, as soon as possible”.



  1. Eric Arthur Blair

    2024-06-19 at 10:21

    The 50 year petrodollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the USA has expired and the Saudis refuse to renew it. Bahrain’s king has travelled to Moscow and Beijing looking for leadership.

    Translation: the USA is faaaaaaarked!!

    Just like Wile E. Coyote wildly spinning his legs in mid-air after having run over the edge of the cliff, and about to plunge down the canyon any second now.
    The dumbass henchmen, especially Ukraine, Israel and all of western europe, are also faaaaaaarked, having firmly latched their lips onto the Coyote’s rear end, in an arse sucking conga line.
    Meanwhile the roadrunner BRICS are sticking their tongues out at the western barbarians and are racing forward.
    Serbia and Hungary just inaugurated their Chinese built Belgrade to Budapest speedy Gonzalez high speed rail.
    That’s all, folks!

    • JonnyJames

      2024-06-20 at 10:31

      This will be very interesting going forward. If KSA actually starts selling large quantities of petro products in currencies other than USD, the declining, desperate empire will likely do something reckless.

      Also, The Saudi dictators threw Palestine under the bus decades ago. If they really did something other than offer empty rhetoric to help Palestine, and go against Israeli/US interests, something drastic might happen. KSA and the surrounding region is occupied by US military bases.

      • Eric Arthur Blair

        2024-06-20 at 14:51

        USA: If you do not renew our petrodollar agreement we will seize your USD treasury bill / security assets.
        KSA: Insecurity of our USD TBill “securities” is the very reason we need to stop accepting USD TBills in exchange for oil.
        USA: If you do not renew our petrodollar agreement we will stop selling you weapons.
        KSA: Go ahead. Your weapons are overpriced and underperforming anyway so we’d rather buy weapons from Russia.
        USA: If you do not renew our petrodollar agreement we will assassinate MBS.
        KSA: Go ahead. He is a nasty piece of work anyway. If you try to install a US puppet we will kill him. We have hundreds of Royal Princes able and willing to take over and continue dedollarisation.
        USA: If you do not renew our petrodollar agreement we will sic Israel on you.
        KSA: Israel is hated by everyone now and is too preoccupied on multiple fronts to take us on, not to mention the fact that we will, in conjuction with other oil exporters, strangle their energy supply and they know this.
        USA: If you do not renew our petrodollar agreement we will seize your oil fields and refineries with our troops.
        KSA: Go ahead. Our oil workers will go on strike causing a global economic crisis that will benefit Russian oil exports. Our Wahabis and Salafists will engage in guerilla warfare against US soldiers that will make Afghanistan look like a walk in the park.
        USA: If you do not renew our petrodollar agreement we will cease protecting you with our military and withdraw all our forces from the Saudi bases.
        KSA: We are done with your protection racket. Go ahead and fuck off.

        • JonnyJames

          2024-06-20 at 15:30

          Excellent hypothetical dialogue that illustrates the issues with a bit of humor. Cheers Eric!

          • Eric Arthur Blair

            2024-06-22 at 05:32

            Cheers JJ.
            As mentioned before, the USA is faaaaaaarked!!

  2. Ziggy

    2024-06-19 at 18:15

    Pretty ironic calling this sham a ,,peace summit” given that Russia wasnt even invited to the event. What this charade really was all about seemed to be more war and should rightly have been called a ,,war summit” rather then a ,,peace summit.” Regards

    • Eric Arthur Blair

      2024-06-20 at 07:35

      War is peace
      Freedom is slavery
      Ignorance is strength

      Biden is a sharp and competent leader
      Zelensky never played the piano with his penis

  3. Eric Arthur Blair

    2024-06-20 at 07:36

    The USA is apoplectic that the Vietnamese welcomed Putin for a visit.
    How dare they!! Haven’t those damned Viets learned by now that their foreign policy must be dictated by the USA and that they are nothing more than a US vassal state?
    So here’s a brilliant idea to bring them in line. Install a US puppet regime in Saigon, split the South from the North and send in US conscripts to kill 2 million Viets. Napalm the damn gooks. That’ll teach them a lesson. It’s never been done before and is bound to work. What could possibly go wrong?

  4. Akira

    2024-06-21 at 14:41

    Hi Ben,

    Great coverage as always. Might I suggest using a map projection that doesn’t make the global North look so large?

    • JonnyJames

      2024-06-25 at 11:47

      In my classrooms, I used to simply turn the world map with the south on top, just invert the map.

  5. julianmacfarlane

    2024-06-24 at 23:05

    The attacks on Crimea and Dagestan are Russia’s 9/11. But Russia will not respond as the Americans did by invading two countries that had nothing to do with the destruction of the Twin Towers. They could of course establish a a wider exclusion zone in the Black Sea — but it would make little difference unless they declared the entirety of the Black Sea a no-fly zone and shoot down American radar aircraft– plus a few satellites– to get the point across. This kind of escalation would distract them from dealing with Ukraine– which is proceeding slowly– but very successfully.

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