Washington is expediting the entry of Ukrainians while abusing and deporting thousands of migrants and refugees, including children, who fled US wars and destructive...
Washington ordenó la extradición del ex presidente hondureño Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH) por narcotráfico, pero los gobiernos de Obama-Biden y Trump lo apoyaron por...
Argentina's right-wing Mauricio Macri government made plans for a military invasion of Venezuela in 2019, in coordination with the United States and Colombia, using...
Con el apoyo de las élites económicas, las llamadas protestas de "camioneros" (dirigidas por no camioneros) han paralizado las capitales de Brasil y Canadá...
Supported by wealthy right-wing elites, so-called "trucker" protests (led by non-truckers) have paralyzed the capitals of Brazil and Canada in less than six months....
Trump-allied Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz called Argentina a "threat" to US "security," complaining that its alliance with China challenges the 200-year-old colonialist Monroe Doctrine.
A right-wing Venezuelan opposition leader and former top Juan Guaidó functionary admitted a maximum of 15 countries recognize the unelected coup leader as "interim...