Argentina has constantly been trapped over two centuries in unpayable external debt owed to foreign imperial powers. This affects the everyday life of everyone:...
The left-wing Bolivarian Alliance (ALBA) uniting countries in Latin America and the Caribbean met for its 18th anniversary summit, condemning the coup d'etat in...
Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, and Bolivia released a joint statement supporting Peru's elected President Pedro Castillo, saying he is a "victim of anti-democratic harassment," following...
Leaked messages show Argentina's corrupt judges and prosecutors conspired with right-wing media oligarchs to launch a judicial coup against left-wing ex President and current...
Latin America's leftist presidents are leading the campaign to free Julian Assange. The WikiLeaks journalist has the support of Brazil's Lula da Silva, Mexico's...
Advising Brazil's President-elect Lula, Ecuadorian economist and leftist presidential candidate Andrés Arauz made a blueprint for a "new regional financial architecture" to unite Latin...
China invited Argentina to attend the 2022 summits of the BRICS economic bloc of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Argentina's ambassador says...
Argentina's right-wing Mauricio Macri government made plans for a military invasion of Venezuela in 2019, in coordination with the United States and Colombia, using...
Trump-allied Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz called Argentina a "threat" to US "security," complaining that its alliance with China challenges the 200-year-old colonialist Monroe Doctrine.