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Search results for "debt"

US dollar decline central bank reserves US dollar decline central bank reserves


The US-dominated International Monetary Fund warns of an "erosion of dollar dominance," noting use of Chinese yuan in global central bank reserves is increasing,...

ALBA summit Cuba Diaz Canel Maduro Ortega Arce ALBA summit Cuba Diaz Canel Maduro Ortega Arce


The United States has turned Latin America and the Caribbean into a key battlefield in its new cold war on China and Russia, invoking...

Honduras Juan Orlando Hernandez JOH US Biden Trump Honduras Juan Orlando Hernandez JOH US Biden Trump

Latin America

Washington ordered the extradition of Honduran ex-President Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH) for drug trafficking, but the Obama-Biden and Trump administrations spent years supporting him...

Matt Gaetz Argentina threat China Matt Gaetz Argentina threat China

Latin America

Trump-allied Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz called Argentina a "threat" to US "security," complaining that its alliance with China challenges the 200-year-old colonialist Monroe Doctrine.

Argentina China Russia belt road initiative Argentina China Russia belt road initiative


Argentina está atrapada con $44 mil millones de deuda odiosa del FMI, controlado por EEUU. Buscando alternativas a la hegemonía estadounidense, el presidente Alberto...

Xiomara Castro Honduras Xiomara Castro Honduras


En el momento del golpe de estado respaldado por EEUU en 2009, Honduras tenía una deuda externa de $2481 millones de dólares. Ahora son...

inflation michael hudson inflation michael hudson


Economist Michael Hudson discusses the global inflation crisis and how the US Federal Reserve quietly (and apparently illegally) bailed out big banks in 2019...

Super Imperialism Michael Hudson Super Imperialism Michael Hudson


Economist Michael Hudson discusses his book "Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire" and the financial motivations behind the US new cold war...

China Russia US Xi Putin Biden China Russia US Xi Putin Biden


Economist Michael Hudson discusses US “Super Imperialism,” the new cold war on China and Russia, the Joe Biden administration, and dedollarization.

Obama tan suit scandals coups war crimes Obama tan suit scandals coups war crimes


Obama's had no real scandals, aside from the tan suit, wars on Libya, Syria, and Yemen, coups in Honduras, Ukraine, and Brazil, Wall Street...