The vast majority of countries on Earth voted in the United Nations General Assembly for a proposed humanitarian truce in Gaza.
The United States was one of the few nations that voted against the measure.
Washington has protected and armed Israel as it has killed thousands of Palestinian civilians and carries out an ethnic cleansing operation in the densely populated Gaza strip.
On October 27, the UN General Assembly held a vote on a resolution calling for an “immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities”.
The final vote was 121 countries in favor of the humanitarian truce, with 14 countries against and 44 abstentions.
When the results were first reported, there was a mistake. Iraq said there was a technical error on its machine; Baghdad made it clear that it had not meant to abstain and had actually voted in support of the resolution.
So the real number was 121 countries in favor, not 120.
The vast majority of the Global South voted for the humanitarian truce. The only large countries in the Global South that abstained were India and the Philippines, both of which have right-wing governments that are allied with the United States.
Most nations in Asia and Africa supported the proposal. In Latin America, only a small handful of right-wing, US-allied governments voted against it or abstained.
Even a few countries in Europe backed the measure, including France, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Switzerland.
The final vote would have been 122 if Venezuela were able to vote.
The South American nation has strongly supported Palestine. Venezuela does not have formal diplomat relations with Israel, and has accused Tel Aviv of genocide and apartheid, referring to it as the “murderer arm of the US empire”.
However, illegal US unilateral sanctions have prevented Venezuela from accessing its bank accounts and therefore paying its membership fees at the United Nations.
The illegal US blockade has therefore taken away Venezuela’s voice at the UN General Assembly.
In addition to this vote in the General Assembly, the United States used its veto power in the UN Security Council to kill a resolution calling for a ceasefire, which was drafted by Russia and voted on on October 16, as well as a measure proposing a humanitarian pause, which was introduced by Brazil and voted on on October 18.

2023-11-06 at 22:20
October 7 was a strategic victory for Hamas. This is a new Hamas different from the one of old. In a single stroke, they have made the hypocrisy of the US’s support for Israel unpalatable to most of the world, which can no longer ignore an incompetent hegemon.
Eric Arthur Blair
2023-11-07 at 07:32
Counteracting the lies of omission and commission of the LEMSO (Lying Establishment Media Sewer Outlets):
Israel have convinced the stupid people of the world that they represent all Jews. Hence any who speak out against atrocities committed by Israel are slandered as “antisemitic”. Belief in this fraudulent conflation is a danger to the majority non and anti-Zionist Jews around the world, who may be innocently caught up in a backlash, because of the despicable holocaust now being perpetrated by the genocidal Zionazis. The only Jews who deserve to die are the genocidal murderers, the Zionazis. That also goes for the despicable gentiles supporting genocidal Zionazism, especially the US neocons.
Anti-Zionist Jews are the PROTECTORS of Jews and all that is good and decent in Judaism. The Zionazis are the ENEMIES of Jewry and Judaism.
Scott Ritter previously supported Israel but in recent years, with greater knowledge about Palestine, has profoundly changed tack. He said “Political Zionism is a rabid dog that must be killed.”
The lies of the mainstream media sewer outlets are piling up.
Demented Biden said he saw pictures of Jewish babies that were beheaded by Hamas, but US officials later had to retract that as untrue. Israeli military sources that started the “40 beheaded babies” lie eventually admitted it was all made up. An avalanche of evidence has proven that the missile strike on the Al-Ahli hospital killing ~500 Palestinians was definitely by Israel and not by Hamas, as was absurdly claimed.
How many Israeli hostages were captured and killed by Hamas? The fact is that large numbers of Israelis were killed by indiscriminate shelling and gunfire by the IDF, as stated by a released Israeli hostage herself, who said she was humanely treated by Hamas (interview was later deleted by the Zio-propagandists, but preserved in the electronic intifada website) :
Goebbels would be so proud!!
Putting the Nazi into Ashkenazi!!
The current PM and all living ex-Prime Monsters of Australia (except Paul Keating) recently pledged unconditional support for Israel’s “right” to commit genocide and terrorism, described by the LEMSO (Lying Establishment Media Sewer Outlets) as “self defence”. Translation: those politicians are bought-and-paid-for prostitutes of the Zionazis. How does that work?
The Zionazis control the Western banking and monetary systems, the LEMSO, Hollywood, the US tech and social media giants and propagandistic psyops methods dating back to Edward Bernays. They control tenured appointments to ivy league Universities and to cushy UN positions, which western politicians see as their retirement packages.
The Zionazis would like you to believe they represent all Jews, which is a LIE. Do NOT conflate Zionazis with all Jews. Many, if not the majority of Jews worldwide are decent and righteous people, many are active anti-Zionists.
Are you a mushroom? Have you been kept in the dark? Have you been feeding on shit from the LEMSO (Lying Establishment Media Sewer Outlets)?
You are in the dark if:
you are unaware that it was the Zionists who invented modern day terrorism, NOT Arabs or Muslims. Menachem Begin was prime culprit behind the King David Hotel bombing in 1946 killing British administrators, the Deir Yassin massacre in 1948 killing Palestinian civilians (and behind many other pogroms against Palestinians) and the assassination of the Swedish UN special envoy to Palestine in 1948. Begin was later elected Prime Monster of Israel!! Terrorism is Israeli state policy!! Have you heard of the bombing of the USS Liberty in 1967 by Israel, killing 34 US sailors? Israel was given a “free pass” by their bought-and-paid-for prostitute politicians in the West, for those, and many, many other atrocities.
You are swallowing shit if:
you believe the LEMSO false conflation of Hamas with ISIS (which are COMPLETELY different) and the many, many other Zionazi lies (that Hamas beheaded 40 Israeli babies, that Palestinians bomb their own hospitals etc).
What to do if you are confronted by the thought police who DEMAND that you condemn Hamas for their 7 October jailbreak:
Refuse to take their bait.
Ask them whether they condemn the Jews who violently broke out from the Warsaw Ghetto in WW2, killing Nazis.
If they are stupid enough to condemn it, you must call them Jew haters and Nazi lovers.
If however they say the Warsaw Jews had a RIGHT to violently resist their violent oppressors, then you must call your imbecilic interrogator a two-faced hypocritical ZioNazi for denying the same right of resistance to the Palestinians and for supporting genocide by Israel against Palestinians.
If Hamas are terrorists, then the Warsaw Ghetto resistance were also terrorists.
If both were and are freedom fighters, then the Nazis were the aggressors and genociders in WW2 and Israel is the aggressor and genocider today.
How to evaluate the Zionazi claim that Hamas are using human shields:
Firstly, the Zionazi excuse to bomb the Al-Ahli hospital was that Hamas supposedly had tunnels underneath, based on zero evidence. We know Shin-bet and Mossad “intelligence” these days is useless – they had zero clue regarding 7 October, yet we are expected to believe they have detailed knowledge about all the Hamas tunnels. The Zionazis claimed the Jabalia refugee camp they bombed, full of women and children, was a tunnel ridden threat to Israel. The Zionazis have been proven to lie about many things, yet we are expected to believe them about tunnels.
Secondly Israeli soldiers, by their own testimony, have themselves a long history of using Palestinians as human shields, according to Human Rights Watch (see also Amnesty International report page 48 on operation Cast Lead).
Thirdly, the IDF themselves indiscriminately killed many ISRAELI civilians, according to several Israeli hostages recently freed by Hamas (the Hannibal Directive).
Summary: the Zionazis use their evidence-free “human shield” argument as an excuse to “regretfully” bomb any place in Gaza they like, any time they like. However in reality the Zionazis themselves have no qualms about sacrificing civilian lives whether Palestinian or Israeli.
2023-11-10 at 23:06
Ben your coverage on The U.N. and how the U.S. and Israel have them in a grip is frightening. Its the most thorough reporting I’ve heard anywhere. I truly appreciate your work and the comments were well worth reading.
I don’t think the majority of people know this about United States and Israel is being rogue and with all the gatherings in support of Palestinians I believe these facts you share would be well received. More people need to know more of the depth of it. I’m gonna try and push this around so more people see it. We’re going into some dark days like during the crusades and I know people are not even thinking about it.
Thanks again Ben I really loved your piece